Santorini On Oxford

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Santorini On Oxford
Santorini On Oxford


The owner, Dimitrios Laskos, comes from Kalymnos, the wonderful island in the Dodecanese. His parents came in 1960 to Sydney, the city that Dimitrios was born.

Dimitrios has worked hard in the hospitality business since 13 years old in order to support his beloved ones. Having a natural talent for this job, he studied hard and built a successful career in the hospitality industry. It was many years ago, 1999 when Dimitrios came for holidays to Sydney for the first time since his parents took him to live in Greece. He felt dazzled seeing his birth place and decided to stay here for ever!

For almost 18 years he has been active in the Australian market. It was in 2003 that he made his dream come true, by opening Santorini on Oxford street! Santorini is our pride! Just like a parent feels proud for his child or a creator for his masterpiece. But we mostly feel proud of the warm responses you give us and we deeply thank you for that!Our goal is to create for you a unique atmosphere and to offer you wonderful and filling portions, as well as special tastes that are out of the ordinary!


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