The girl, Paraskevoula Stathoulia, who had lost her father in a German massacre at Kalavrita, has been adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Con Anthony, of Maroubra Bay Road Maroubra Junction. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony lost their only child soon after its birth. They decided to adopt a Greek war orphan and wrote to relatives in Greece. A photograph of Paraskevoula was sent and they agreed to bring her to Australia. In the bustle of Customs examination, hearing a strange language, Paraskevoula almost burst into tears, but she controlled herself and shortly afterwards she walked firmly away as a member of a family once again.
Greek Migrant Girl
- Date:
A pretty 11 years old Greek war orphan stepped from an aircraft at Mascot yesterday afternoon to start a fresh life in a new country. Carrying a suitcase containing most of her worldly goods, she looked anxiously at the awaiting crowd greeting the plane from Athens. She could not recognize her adopted parents-she had never seen them-but a man in a grey suit at once stepped forward to claim her... The article was published in The Sydney Morning Herald, on Thu 12 Feb 1948.